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"i don't believe in things that bleed for four days every month and don't die"
most of the time
"i don't believe in things that bleed for four days every month and don't die"
Posted by
3:57 PM
Labels: let our conscience be devoured
1 comment:
hm, e 12:35 am si peste 7 ore voi fi la liceu. in loc sa dorm, fara nicio motivatie logica, pana acum, am citit aproape tot ce scrie pe-aici. in afara de filmul ala "432" si concertul Muse nu stiu daca m-as fi putut lega de ceva dpdv cultural sau social sau whatever. in schimb mi-au placut cateva chestii mult.
partea draguta e ca habar n-am cine esti si nu inteleg de ce am lasat acest comentariu. intre timp, s-a facut 12:42. o sa "te" mai citesc.
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