Thursday, September 13, 2007

the devil and daniel johnston

Alt documentar cu muzicieni nu foarte sanatosi. Asta are o abordare fix opusa lui "You're gonna miss me", ceea ce e minunat. Daniel Johnston e privit cu o admiratie autentica, nu e impuns cu batu sa vada cum reactioneaza nebunu. Ba regizoru e chiar un pic timid cu interviurile cu el, sunt foarte putine, cu el in prezent, in rest foloseste foarte mult casetele pe care si le tot inregistra el care erau un soi de jurnal audio. Oricum, Daniel Johnston este unul dintre cei mai underrated genii in materie de muzica. Uneori nu canta foarte bine, da' ce scrie, in materie de muzica si versuri e monumental. Si si cand canta bine te pui in genunchi si zici multumesc Daniel Johnston. Tipu nu a facut niciodata vreun efort in a-si face marketing, minus o vizita la o emisiune MTV unde a aparut pur si simplu, cand lumea inca nu stia de el. Si dupa aia casetele lui au circulat din mana-n mana. Si dupa aia a inceput Kurt Cobain sa poarte tricou cu Hi How Are You si etc. a capatat o oaresicare notorietate in business, da' niciodata mainstream. Si prin 2004 s-a facut un cover album dupa piesele lui numit The Late Great Daniel Johnston si Tom Waits are o interpretare foarte... cabaret-psihedelica, asa. E o poveste foarte cinematografica, asta a lui, incepand cu dragostea vietii lui cu care n-a fost niciodata si terminandu-se cu internarile lui repetate in spital. Si ma bucur foarte tare ca s-a facut un film bun despre el.

Death Scream
Having dreams about you
I want to scream about you
I’m having dreams about you
I want to scream about you

Everything you’ve done
You were the girl who seemed to own the world
Everything was about you

I took a chance to call you my own
I didn’t know a thing about you
I though you could love
What a fool I was

It was going on
I was just singing my songs
There was something mad about you

I took it wrong
You liked my song
Why couldn’t I have you

A crazy dream you done me wrong
You left me long
I couldn’t stand a chance with out you
You said that love was dead and in my head
I just couldn’t believe it

And on the phone you said
You never knew me at all
You never knew me at all

I thought there was love
What a fool I was

And everything was in hyper-jinx
Just like an old time movie

You don’t understand
Can’t comprehend

I guess it doesn’t really matter
And every dream a nightmare
And nothing really matters

I thought I was Loved
What a fool I was

Having dreams about you
Having dreams about you
Having dreams about you
Having dreams about you

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